A Letter to You

Saturday, March 21, 2009

5 Things I Learned This Week...

1...The best deal (I've found) for microwave popcorn is at Walmart - 24 packs for $5! That's, like, 5 bags of popcorn for $1!

2...D.I.Y stands for Do It Yourself. Yah. Just got that!

3...Twitter is pretty fun... follow my twittering here...http://assets0.twitter.com/images/twitter_logo_header.png

4...Have you ever put soda in a sippy cup?  The explosion is like a https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjRl5gQd51O2TZHVmcH7jKZAMX4kyNq8iL-ThH2ac4EReZfT0hEfH8iRQL6KOXNwevwayIY8JIhJb3GTFKo5a2YBdpdUJxtmc7KW5J80JFS3O_n-CcdIAErq3NprmU6Ua4dpZT8i0UlQMXk/s320/First+Years.jpgsticky 4th of July! Well, cover it with a finger and shake it then set right side up and if it stops attempting to explode then it's all fizzed out. If it's still fizzing, shake it up until it's flat.

5... I have to mentally and physically (a.k.a get a nap in) prepare to stay up past 12am... especially  if Twilight: The Moviethere are going to be crowds for a particular movie release. If I don't plan in advance on going... I wont end up being the party animal I used to be, which totally isn't even worth going! Right? (Long story short, DH came home from work this afternoon and announced that he would watch the kids so I could go to the Twilight Movie release. How sweet, right? Well, I had no intentions of going tonight and was thus tormented with the option of being a part of the hype and getting the movie and possibly meeting someone of significance from the film and even dressing up -so fun!- versus spending the time to get ready - then, staying up past midnight, plus leaving the kiddos at home just to be around crazed teens who are most likely ridiculously obnoxious and then feeling out of place... yada yada... anyway the later won. I decided not to go. Maybe I'll plan to go to the New Moon Movie release...)



Missy Mauch said...

I'm glad that I could help you learn the trick for the soda in a sippy. Before I learned that, Maddie had to deal with getting squirted in the face with the fizz! So funny, but she hated it!

HeaddaMarie said...

Hey, I didn't know that abt the soda. I just opted to not deal with it...they can have water! lol Anywho, I think we should get a group of us to go to the New Moon Movie release! That would be a BLAST!!! I think it's funny that you just now realized what D.I.Y. stood for! You totally crack me up!