I’ve mentioned I’ve been trying to get out of the house, and yesterday was the day to do it! Monkey was already in his 2nd outfit of the day because he spilled his milk all over himself, my boys were dressed and ready to get out the door! I was figuring out details with a friend on the phone and turned the corner into the kitchen and found this:

I swear to you I was not on the phone for more than 15 minutes, of which maybe the last 3 my kids were much too quiet…
What would you have done? Freaked out? Yelled? Cried? Laughed? Get our your camera and document it?
It wasn’t all of my flour so there was no reason to cry. All plans put on hold, I let them play. I got down and my knees got dirty, but it was not worth using my energy to be angry. My little one was just having way too much fun…

Yes, we did eventually get out of the house… an hour later than planned. But I’m telling you, there are not many times when I know I have handled a situation in a way I know my Heavenly Father would proud of... but this was one of those times.
At first I saw a mess. But when I took a moment to “see”, I saw an opportunity. I believe that we see what we want to see. We have thought patterns that determine so much of what we do, say and how we react! But these are only thoughts, and thoughts can be changed.
I think we want to cherish the moments in our children’s childhood, but if we don’t look we wont see them.

I used a dry rag to gather up the flour, scooped what I could into a bowl and threw it out. Vacuumed up what was left with the attachment that looks like a brush. DONE.