A Letter to You

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Power of Blogging


This sweet little boy, Ezra has Leukemia. His family just recently found out, and as you can imagine it has rocked their world. To learn more about Ezra and his family, visit Manic Mother.

Fortunately, the blogging community can do amazing things! There are so many ways you can make a difference! You can donate (even a dollar from each person quickly adds up!), you can buy ad space on Manic Mother, you can buy a bracelet to support Ezra, or you can spread the word on your blog, Facebook or Twitter! You can link up at MomDot and see what others are doing to make a difference in the lives of Ezra and his Family!

It. Is. Incredible! :)

We both know you want to do something good. So do it.


Carrie said...

Wonderful cause. Thanks for posting it!

Thanks for commenting such sweetness on my blog! Did I catch that right? You grew up in Hawaii? Oh gosh---I am so jealous. We are such wanna-be natives. I even named my son Kai. Alas, he came out super white. Apparently my husband (Georgia born and raised) and me (native american/german) don't make a Hawaiian baby. haha! We tried:)

K--so I think your photography is great and your kiddos are gorgeous.

Meet the Smiths said...

and we can pray!! Thanks for posting about Ezra!